
Promoting Mental Health and Well-being at Schools

We would like to express our gratitude to all partners, stakeholders and participants of the project! The materials created are now available in open access for everyone interested.


School professionals face the challenges related to the mental well-being of school children, in their daily work. New kind of competences are needed so that children and young people can receive support and help for finding ways to cope with various challenges affecting mental health.

The Well@School project builds new knowledge and practices for higher education. The aim of the project is to ensure that primary school teachers, health professionals and curators have the competences required for promoting mental health in school communities, using digital methods.

The Well@School project promotes the key competences related to mental health promotion. It also builds up digital competences in communication, co-creation, teaching and learning of professionals working in schools.

In the Well@School project, a new higher education open access platform will be developed. It includes a framework, online course and a handbook for promoting mental health in primary schools, using digital methods.




The first goal was to develop a Well@School framework focusing on digital methods. The framework includes the most up-to-date and the best knowledge and practices related to the promotion of mental health in primary schools.

Online course

The next objective was to develop an online course promoting mental health in primary schools. It is aimed at professionals working at schools, such as teachers, health professionals and curators.

E-learning platform

The third goal was to develop an e-learning platform consisting of a reference framework, an online course and a handbook for working professionals. All these are be freely available to all interested stakeholders.

Meet the Team